Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mashed Red Potatoes

I loved mashed potatoes, and these are just another version of this yummy side dish. There is a secret ingredient that makes these even better. Trust me!

a 2-pound bag of red potatoes (leave skins on)
6 Tbs margarine (I use Promise)
pinch of Kosher salt
4 Tbs light sour cream
1 Tbs light ranch dressing
1/2 cup 2% milk
table salt

Boil potatoes with 2 Tbs margarine and salt for 20 minutes or until tender. Drain and let sit for ~20 minutes. Put potatoes in a large mixing bowl with 4 Tbs margarine, sour cream, milk, dressing, and table salt to taste. Mix until well blended. If you like your potatoes a little more runny, just add more milk (or sour cream).

This kind of mashed potato WILL have chunks in it, so if you like your mashed potatoes smooth and creamy, these aren't the ones for you. =)

The little bit of ranch dressing gives these potatoes the tiniest little kick they need to be super yummy! They are a bit thicker than regular mashed potatoes and more filling, so you probably don't want to make these ALL the time, but they are great for something just a little different every now and then!

Click this box to print this recipe!

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